Wednesday, October 5, 2011

They also want to have a home

  Recent years, the problem of stray animals has been emphasized among animal lovers groups and local citizens. Is this problem really as serious as those people think?
There are many people arguing about the cause of stray animals. Also, stray animals are always the best topic for some newspaper and magazines. However, few of them can pinpoint out the real causes of problem. They usually leave the responsibility to the wrong persons or wrong organizations, and only know boasting the fearful figures. It is useless to solving the problem.
Stray animals are almost dogs and cats. Are they all abandoned? Absolutely not!
Strictly to say, people here are greatly influenced by the culture of Chinese. In the past, adopting a cat or a dog is not a hobby, most cats and dogs are said to be working slaves. They need to beg for food from human beings. So, few cats or dogs can live completely close to man. They live in a mode of semi-stray, which means they can roam freely outside and eat at the dedicated sites. There is a large number group of semi-stray animals. So, we must admit that there are innate stray cats and dogs and understand most of the cats and dogs roaming on the streets are living in this mode or fundamental stray. What we need to notice from the above paragraph is that the deeply rooted culture of Chinese is always induction of stray animal problem. Some old styled people do not think dogs and cats should be a companion pets which can live very close to human beings. They may also think dogs and cats should not be kept inside the house. Therefore it caused the huge amount of stray animals every time when people moved homes.

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